Connecting talent with career and learning opportunities to drive growth

The Growth Works with Skills Platform for education providers is a simple and easy-to-use resource. It was created for the sole purpose to help drive up the quality and relevance of careers provision across the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area. We are enabling this through connecting education with employers and learners, through our events calendar and job postings to increase awareness of such opportunities.


Talentino Careers at Every Level Webinar 

To enhance support provided to our SEND schools we have secured a number of licences for Talentino’s Careers at Every Level Digital Programmes. Seven SEND schools attended a webinar to learn about the programme and encourage participation. Any SEND schools yet to register need to contact your Enterprise Coordinator as soon as possible to not miss out on this opportunity.

Recorded 8th June 2021

This information is provided in partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC). For more information about CEC Careers Hubs please visit the Careers Hub Provider Access Policy.